From a spatial perspective, the universe is vast—where did such immense space come from to contain it? Moreover, since the universe arose from nothing, how could it fit within this non-existent space? And after the universe formed, what does the world beyond it look like?
It is crucial to remember that, ultimately, everything traces back to absolute nothingness. In absolute nothingness, everything is zero. Therefore, the formation of the universe does not require any pre-existing space. After the universe came into existence, its boundaries became the boundaries of existence itself—there is no world beyond the universe. This aligns with the ancient Chinese philosopher Hui Shi’s concept of “the greatest has no exterior.”
yep. 空间是一种在人类计算上得以便利的概念,没有物质的空间是无法定义的。所有来自于虚无,我认同,然而它不是零,这个零也是人类的概念,实际上虚无中存在着“零点能”,或者叫做狄拉克海,这些零点能是有可能形成爱因斯坦凝聚态的。用人类的零的概念说明虚无是无法圆通的,零是一个无法表示却可以想象到的概念,算是一种人类的抽象。然而卡西米尓试验证明确实在真空中存在结构和能量,真空能在自发性破缺(宇称不守恒)影响下形成狄拉克洞穴,是可以产生物质的。